Donald K. Ross Future Leaders Program Internship & Application

For the past five decades, the New York Public Interest Research Group (NYPIRG) has offered unique internship programs that provide college students with experiential learning and civic engagement opportunities. NYPIRG provides students with exceptional experiences that augment their classroom education by offering a full-time internship based in Albany, NY – the "Donald K. Ross Future Leaders Program."

This internship program provides highly motivated students of all majors the opportunity to thoroughly study a particular public policy issue by pairing them with an experienced public policy mentor. Program interns will gain an intimate understanding of legislative processes and practical experiences in such areas as public speaking, writing, research, and working with the media – excellent additional preparation for graduate studies and the job market.

Policy interns research, track, and promote legislation in such diverse areas of public policy as consumer protection, public campaign finance, higher education, health care, political reform, and environmental preservation; network with student leaders; and organize policy briefings with legislators. They also meet and learn from lawmakers, legislative staff, lobbyists, professional organizers, advocates, community leaders, and members of the media.

The full-time internship is based in Albany, NY. Interns are required to make a commitment of 40 hours a week to the program, and they will be based in Albany. Stipends are available for each intern selected, and interns will be responsible for securing course credit for the program. The internship begins on January 7, 2025 and continues until the end of the academic semester. Applications must be submitted by the Friday, October 25, 2024 deadline. The program is directed by NYPIRG's Executive Director and the General Counsel. Please send any questions to .

The Donald K. Ross Future Leaders Program is named after NYPIRG's first Executive Director, Donald K. Ross. Donald teamed up with consumer advocate Ralph Nader to develop the idea that ultimately led to the establishment of Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs) across the nation. Their ideas, contained in the book Action for a Change, offered a blueprint for PIRGs, which have now spread to roughly half of the states. Donald moved on to become NYPIRG's first director in 1973. He then left a decade later and was involved in the creation of other civic organizations across the country. His work of establishing organizations that offer young people the opportunity to influence public policy lives on through this program.