| | Over 150 student leaders came together on November 9 for NYPIRG’s Fall Statewide Student Empowerment Conference in Purchase, NY! Students participated in skills workshops, discussed critical issues, attended a plenary session on climate change in New York State, and networked with students and NYPIRG staff from across the state!
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In November, NYPIRG chapters in New York City partnered with the New York City Civic Engagement Commission to host Idea Generation Workshops to come up with concrete and impactful ideas for citywide Participatory Budgeting projects. Students participated in collective decision-making by identifying community priorities and needs and then came up with solutions to address these needs. Their ideas were submitted to the New York City Civic Engagement Commission for consideration for the spring 2025 Citywide Participatory Budget cycle.
| | After registering thousands of students to vote in the fall, NYPIRG chapters mobilized students to get to the polls on Election Day. They helped students look up their polling site, shared fact sheets on voting rights and voter resources, and reminded students to “flip their ballots” to vote on ballot initiatives.
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NYPIRG students got into the fall spirt at our annual Trick-or-Eat Community food drives in neighborhoods across the state. Students collected thousands of non-perishable food items that were donated to school and community food pantries! |