Shanelle Emanuel, Borough of Manhattan Community College

I am a Political Science Major at BMCC. I aspire to be a future business owner and be involved with politics.  With the help of financial aid I will be graduating in spring, 2020. I try my best to utilize the programs and services that BMCC offers such as the counselling office and the finance and banking club. I strive to graduate on time with great grades and a solid understanding in the subjects that I took, so I can apply it to the world that I live in.

However, sometimes the workload can be too overwhelming for me. I keep on going so I can achieve my goals. I have a job that helps me pay for other expenses outside of my college tuition. Food, clothes and my metro card are some of the things my wages from my job covers. With a fully funded CUNY I believe my campus would have more classes, more access to free textbooks used in class, free transportation to get to classes, and less students in debt.